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1575 items found
  1. Strengthening MoGEI engagement and leadership in rapid EiE responses in South Sudan

    Hine, Sébastien
  2. L’Engagement et le leadership du ministère de l’Éducation dans les réponses éducatives rapides en situation d’urgence à Madagascar: étude de cas

    Billy, Candyce; Paradies, Maria; Rakotoson, Jacky Samuel; Tréguier, Mathilde
  3. Ministry of Education engagement and leadership in early stages of humanitarian interventions: South Sudan case study

    Kalista, Jane
  4. School leadership for resilient education systems: what is the role of professional networks in effective response to crisis? Think piece

    Hancell, Rosalind; Jones, Charlotte; Miller, Olivia
  5. Using learning assessment data for educational planning in Sub-Saharan Africa: a comparative analysis

    Foimapafisi, Tuamanaia; Raudonyte, Ieva
  6. The use of learning assessment test results in education policy planning: the case of six countries in the region

    Pinkasz, Daniel
  7. People on the move and the use of EMIS in the planning and management of inclusive education policies: lessons learned and recommendations

    Klenner Forttes, Paula; Lobos, Jessica; Pinna, Francesca; Yáñez, Ernesto
  8. Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) in Latin America and the Caribbean: challenges and lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

    Scasso, Martin; Tham, Maximiliano; Vera, Alejandro
  9. Modernizing education management with EMIS: building back stronger from the COVID-19 pandemic

    Bin Mahfooz, Sara; Chang, Gwang-Chol; Chapelet, Pierre; Horn, Mauricio; Nippes, Stefan; Norrmén-Smith, Juliette; Yano, Satoko
  10. Use of Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) for effective monitoring SDG4 at national, regional, and global level

    Sigdel, Shailendra
  11. Management of trainers and supervisory staff in TVET: case study of four African countries: Benin, Ethiopia, Madagascar and Senegal

  12. It’s not me, it’s the system: a framework for analysing planning and management capacities

    De Grauwe, Anton; Haas, Anna