The Use of modern media for rural education in developing countries: the organisational problems

Gutelman, Michel
English, French
IIEP Research Report, 31
49 p.

Online version

About the publication

In developing countries, the means of both providing scool-age children with a basic education and extending secondary and technical education and extending secondary and technical education are adversely affected by the lack of educational facilities. In addition, vast numbers of adults need to be taught to read and write so that they can participate in the process of development. Experts on educational teaching materials agree that modern media could make a major contribution to the efficiency of both formaland nonformal education in developing countries. Numerous evaluations and reports based on actual experience show that, apart from the problem of finance, the key to success in utilizing media lies in proper project planning and organization. The first part of this report deals with the problems that result from inherent technical constraints on the various media and from inherent technical constraints on the various media and from their impact on methods of organization. Each of the major media is examined in terms of its potential range of use. The second part of the report deals with questions relating to the overall organization and utilization of modern communication media in rural education.