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26 résultat(s) trouvé(s) pour Thailand
  1. Education, employment and human resource development in Central and Western Asia: report of a sub-regional workshop

    Sanyal, Bikas C.; Kitaev, Igor V.
  2. Education, employment and human resource development: report

    Sanyal, Bikas C.; Arcelo, Adriano A.; Bray, Mark
  3. Education, employment and human resource development: report of an intensive training course, Bangkok, Thailand, 12-26 June 1990

    Sanyal, Bikas C.; Caillods, Françoise; Varghese, N.V.
  4. Intensive Training Course on Education, Employment and Work: report

    Sanyal, Bikas C.; Prakash, Brahm; Varghese, N.V.
  5. Industrial development and the planning of higher education: report of an IIEP workshop

  6. Economic growth and the training system in the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

    Sanyal, Bikas C.
  7. From policy analysis to policy formulation and policy implementation: the perspective of the National Education Council, Thailand

    Sanghirun, Uraiwan
  8. Inequalities in educational development: papers presented at an IIEP Seminar

  9. Réduction des disparités régionales et planification de l'éducation

    Carron, Gabriel; Ta Ngoc Châu
  10. Disparités régionales dans le développement de l'éducation: diagnostic et politiques de réduction

    Carron, Gabriel; Ta Ngoc Châu
  11. Problems of educational administration in remote rural areas: report of an expert meeting

    Lyons, Raymond F.; Collins, Joyce E.
  12. Correspondence between education and the world of work: an alternative way of looking at labour force data with examples from Sudan, Singapore, Korea and Thailand

    Hallak, Jacques; Versluis, Jan