6-8 July: International Policy Forum on flexible learning pathways in higher education

16 June 2021


Auckland Park campus, one of four campuses of the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

From 6 to 8 July 2021, education policy-makers and experts from across the globe will join an International Policy Forum on flexible learning pathways (FLPs) in higher education. Hosted by IIEP, the virtual event will highlight new findings from a major research project on how to foster flexible higher education systems that can better adapt to change.

Over the past two decades, global enrolment in higher education has more than doubled, reaching 227 million students in 2019. In this context, a major question has emerged on how countries can develop flexible learning pathways for all students, regardless of their age, gender, financial situation, education level, and skills. The major disruption brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has further intensified this need for flexibility and adaptability as a way to respond to crisis, maintain learning, and ensure educational equity.

Higher education today is increasingly expected to adapt to different learning needs. As reflected in the Education 2030 Agenda, this requires flexible learning pathways as part of a permeable higher education offer.

During the Policy Forum, participants will discuss ways to improve policy implementation on FLPs and ensure their effectiveness, while sharing best practices and challenges from country experiences. This will include policies and practices for alternative access and delivery of courses, different ways to progress through higher education, and the role of governance mechanisms to support flexibility.

A global Forum

The Forum will convene policy-makers, researchers, and practitioners from Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, the Arab States, Latin America and the Caribbean. By the end of the three days, participants will have shared evidence on effective policies and good practices and enhanced dialogue between national and institutional decision-makers, quality assurance agencies, and researchers. The event will also build consensus on the way forward for FLPs as a means to respond to diverse learner needs and skill requirements for a changing world.

The event is a collaborative effort between IIEP, the Commonwealth Tertiary Education Facility, the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education, the Department of Higher Education (JPT), the Universiti Sains Malaysia, the Malaysian Qualifications Agency, and the Malaysian National Commission for UNESCO.

Day 1, International Policy Forum on flexible learning pathways in higher education

Day 2, International Policy Forum on flexible learning pathways in higher education

Day 3, International Policy Forum on flexible learning pathways in higher education