Achieving gender equality

01 January 2010


Newsletter 2010-01
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Newsletter 2010-01
IIEP Newsletter, Vol. XVIII, No. 1 January-April 2010


Persistence and Unexpected Reversals
by Mark Bray, IIEP Director


Achieving gender equality
Gender equality needs to address the representation and the
achievement of both boys and girls along the whole educational chain

Priority to gender equality: what will it take?
The battle for gender equality is not over, and girls’ education plays an essential role
by Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO

From parity to equality in Asia
A new focus on equality is needed

Teachers in Latin America
The role of teaching attracts women, but rewards are few

Gender inequality in Egypt
An ETF study in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) shows that females still participate less in education and the labour market than males

Is educational planning gender-neutral?
Women often make up the bulk of the teaching profession. Are they as well represented in planning and management?

Are women in academia breaking the glass ceiling?
The glass ceiling is still obstructing the roles of women as researchers and in academic leadership positions

Training programmes

Study visit to South of France
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur was the region to welcome this year ATP’s participants for the traditional study visit of the French Education System