+33 (1) 45037762
Education statistics, education in emergencies, capacity development, education policies

Diogo Amaro is a Programme Specialist in IIEP’s Technical Cooperation team. He contributes to IIEP’s work on crisis-sensitive educational planning and supports governments with the development of crisis risk management strategies for the education sector.

Before joining IIEP, Diogo has worked as a Programme Specialist at UNICEF (2018-2022) and OECD (2014-2018) providing support to the ministries of education of over a dozen countries. He has drafted a number of reports and has led several training workshops focusing on education data analysis.


Diogo has a PhD in Education from the Institute of Education of the University College London (UCL) and a MSc in Economic Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). He has conducted academic research in various education topics using mixed methodology, including econometrics and qualitative research.