Dr Martín Benavides is the Director of IIEP-UNESCO. In this role, he provides strategic leadership for the Institute.
Martín is a Peruvian sociologist who served as the Minister of Education at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, from February 2020 to November 2020. He oversaw the country's pre-primary, primary, secondary, and higher education systems and designed the national strategy for distance education in response to the pandemic
In 2022, he served as Director of the Observatory of Higher Education, and from 2018, he was a senior professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (Lima).
Earlier in his career, in 2002, Martín joined the Peruvian think tank Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE), where he was first a senior researcher and then its Executive Director from 2008 to 2018.
From 2015 to 2018, Martín was a member of the Board of Directors of Peru’s National Superintendence of Higher University Education (SUNEDU). Between 2018 and 2020, he served as the head of the regulatory body of Peru's university network where he led the reform for improving the quality of higher education.
Martín has numerous academic publications to his credit, particularly in the areas of education and child development. He has also been a visiting scholar at American and French research institutions.
- PhD in Sociology from Pennsylvania State University.
- Master’s Degree in Education Theory and Policy from Pennsylvania State University.
- Bachelor of Art’s Degree in Sociology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.
- Martín Benavides; Monica Benifaz. Imprints, Legacies, and Research Development: A Comparative Study of Four Private Universities in Latin America. In Comparative Education Review, volume 68, number 1, February 2024.
- Étienne Gérard; Jaime Aragón Falomir, Martín Benavides, Dia Hamidou, Loan Dinh Thi Bich, Goudiaby Jean Alain, Grediaga Kuri María del Rocio, Frida Haag Watanabe, Henaff Nolwen, Pascal Kapagama, Mónica López Ramírez, Marc Poncelet, Santiago Andrés Rodríguez, Ha Tran Thi Thai. 2023. Universités privés : la fabrique des inégalités. Paris: Karthala.
- Education, numérique, cohésion sociale et politiques publiques: Regards croises Europe-Amérique latine-Caraïbes. 2019. Institut des Amériques. Retour sur le colloque IDA - EU-LAC - AFD - MEAE 2022.
- Martín Benavides. 2022. Una pelota de trapo, un corazón blanquiazul: tradición e identidad en Alianza Lima, 1901-1996. Perú: Pontifical Catholic University of Peru.
- Martín Benavides; Jose S. Rodriguez; Monica Bonifaz; Elizabeth Aylas. 2020. Perú: ecosistemas nacionales de I+D+I en educación. Perú: SUMMA Laboratorio de Investigación e Innovación.
- Martín Benavides; Juan de Jesús León;Fernando Alarcón; Maria Grazia Erausquin;Ana Salas. 2020. Transmisión intergeneracional de la educación. Los efectos directos e indirectos de la educación materna en el desarrollo infantil en una región de la selva peruana. Perú: GRADE.
- Benavides, M., Arellano, A. & Zárate Vásquez, J.S. Market- and government-based higher education reforms in Latin America: the cases of Peru and Ecuador, 2008–2016. Higher Education 77, 1015–1030 (2019).
- Martín Benavides; Juan León; Manuel Etesse; Lucía Espezúa; Jimena Stuart. 2019. Exploring the association between segregation and physical intimate partner violence in Lima, Peru: The mediating role of gender norms and social capital. In: Elsevir: SMM- Population Health 7 ( 2019) 100338.
- Martín Benavides; Nancy Hidalgo; Walter Mendoza. 2019. Inequalities across ethnic groups. In: The Lancet Global Health 7(1):e34.