Training, Public Policy Planning and implementation, Educational planning, M&E, Middle-tiers training, Educational Program and Project implementation, Basic education

Mariana Clucellas is Training Coordinator at the IIEP-UNESCO Office for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Her main responsibilities include coordinating the strategic development of regular and tailor-made training programmes. This includes the design, the organization of contents, implementation, and quality control of projects from IIEP BA’s Training Unit.

She holds a degree in Political Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina; a Master's degree in International Education Policy from the Harvard Graduate School of Education; and a postgraduate course on Social Planning form the University of Di Tella. She also has experience teaching at the University of Buenos Aires, FLACSO, and the Universuty of Lanús in Argentina, as well as University Alberto Hurtado in Chile and FLACSO Guatemala. She has participated in research projects in the area of educational planning and monitoring and evaluation.

She has been external consultant on IIEP BA’s Training Unit since 2005, and as such she has participated as a specialist in IIEP training courses delivered in Mexico, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Brazil, among others. She has also worked at the National Ministry of Education in Argentina, in the Planning Unit.


  • Clucellas, M y Vezub,L . Informe Final de Evaluación Proyecto INTEGRA. IIPE-UNESCO Buenos Aires. Septiembre 2006;
  • Clucellas, M y Vezub, L. La gestión de proyectos TIC: planificar la evaluación y el seguimiento. En: AAVV. Herramientas para la gestión de proyectos TIC. IIPE - UNESCO, Buenos Aires. Septiembre de 2006, en prensa;
  • Clucellas, M y otros. Escuelas por el Cambio: Un aporte a la gestión escolar. IIPE-UNESCO Buenos Aires. Agosto 2007;
  • Clucellas, M y otros. Caracterización de las Instituciones de Formación Docente en el país. IIPE-UNESCO Buenos Aires. Diciembre 2007;
  • Clucellas, M y otros. Caracterización de las Instituciones de Oferta de Educación Técnica en el Nivel Terciario. IIPE-UNESCO Buenos Aires. Diciembre 2009.