Diane Coury is an Education Programme Specialist with the Technical cooperation Team. She supports Member States in particular in the areas of strategic plan preparation, monitoring and evaluation, including in crisis-affected countries.
Before joining IIEP in June 2015, Diane worked as an education policy analyst at the Pôle de Dakar IIEP/UNESCO for seven years. An important part of her work has been to support African countries in the development of their education sector analysis to enable decision makers to orient national policies. Diane also co-developed an annual training offer for ministry of education staff and major actors in education across Africa and supported countries on policy development related to teachers in Uganda and Early Childhood Development in Cape Verde and Togo.
Prior to joining the Pôle de Dakar in 2008, Diane was chief of Social Policy at UNICEF Madagascar. In this role, she ensured children’s rights were adequately reflected in national and regional planning and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) processes. She was also responsible for setting up the Indian Ocean Regional Observatory for Child Rights.
Before joining UNICEF, Diane worked at the World Bank in Washington DC with a focus on various issues related to children and youth in Africa.
- PhD in Economics from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP) in Paris,
- Master 2 from IEP Paris (Economics/demography),
- Master 1 Paris I/Pantheon-Sorbonne (Econometrics).
BOOKS (Collective work unless specified)
- "RESEN RDC. Pour une éducation au service de la croissance et de la paix". Pôle de Dakar IIEP/UNESCO, UNICEF. 2015.
- Education System Analysis Methodological Guidelines, Chapter 6 Equity, Volume 1. UNICEF et al., 2014.
- Education System Analysis Methodological Guidelines, Chapter 7 Early Childhood Development, Volume 2. UNICEF et al., 2014.
- RESEN Togo, Volume 2. Analyses additionnelles du Secteur. Pôle de Dakar IIEP/UNESCO, UNICEF, 2014.
- " Teacher Issues in Uganda”. Pôle de Dakar IIEP/UNESCO, 2014.
- “Sierra Leone Education Country Status Report: An Analysis for further Improving the Quality, Equity and Efficiency of the Education System in Sierra Leone”. Pôle de Dakar/UNESCO BREDA, UNICEF, the World Bank, 2013.
- "Tanzania Education Sector Analysis. Beyond Primary Education, the Quest for Balanced and Efficient Policy Choices for Human Development and Economic Growth". Pôle de Dakar/UNESCO BREDA, 2012.
- "The Gambia Education Country Status Report”. The World Bank, Pôle de Dakar/UNESCO/BREDA, 2011.
- “Rwanda Education Country Status Report. Towards Quality Enhancement and Achievement of Universal Nine-Year Basic Education”. The World Bank, Washington DC, 2011.
- “The Education System in Malawi”. World Bank Working Paper, no. 182. The World Bank, Washington DC, 2010.
- “Universal Primary Education in Africa. The Teacher Challenge” Pôle de Dakar/UNESCO BREDA, 2009.
- Coury D. et N. Rakoto-Tiana : “Madagascar : en marche vers la scolarisation primaire universelle ? « In « Madagascar Face au Défi des Objectifs du Millénaire”. Gastineau B et al. . IRD Edition, 2010.
- Subbarao K. and D. Coury, “Reaching out to Africa’s Orphans. A Framework for Public Action”. The World Bank, Washington DC, 2004.
- Coury D., Ndababanye JC. and B. Tossou, “Sate of Early Childhood Development in West and Central Africa in 2010/11 Using MICS4”. Pôle de Dakar IIEP/UNESCO, UNICEF. 2015.
- Coury D. et A. Mingat, “Bilan de compétences de l‘enfant à l’entrée au Primaire”. Pôle de Dakar IIPE/UNESCO, UNICEF, 2015.
- Prywes M., Coury D., Fesseha G., Hounsounou G. and A. Kielland “Costs of Projects for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children: Case Studies in Eritrea and Benin”. Social Protection Discussion Paper Series, July 2004, No 0414, The World Bank.
- “The Education of Girls and Women in Madagascar” Collective work, UNICEF Madagascar, 1998.
- Roubaud F. et D. Coury “Le Travail des Enfants à Madagascar: Un Etat des Lieux”. BIT, Genève, 1997.
- Coury D. et N. Razafindratsima. “Demande d’Education et Taille de la Famille dans l’Agglomération d’Antananarivo”, Revue d’Economie du Développement, 4/2000, pp: 105-134.