Crisis-sensitive educational planning

01 January 2012


Newsletter 2012-06
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Newsletter 2012-06
IIEP Newsletter, Vol. XXX, N°1, January-June 2012



Planning for peace and sustainable development 
by Khalil Mahshi, IIEP’s Director


Crisis-sensitive educational planning
Preparedness and prevention build resilience
by Lyndsay Bird & Leonora MacEwen, IIEP

South Sudan – delivering the peace dividend
Education has a vital role to play in helping South Sudan to escape the gravitational pull of poverty and conflict
by Kevin Watkins, Brookings Institute

Solomon Islands: from policy to planning
How the government set up, step by step, a successful strategy and implemented sustainable resources
by Gary Ovington, UNICEF, East-Asia and Pacific Regional Office

Working together for better planning
IIEP and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) propose new guidelines for sector plan preparation
by Jean-Marc Bernard & Margarita Licht, GPE and Sue Grant Lewis & Anton de Grauwe, IIEP 

Analysing the education sector’s vulnerability
How Chad seeks to protect its education system
by Dibé Galy, UNESCO, and former Director General of Planning in the Ministry of Education in Chad & Leonora MacEwen, IIEP

Preventing and preparing for crisis
How Burkina Faso developed a strategy to minimize the impact of crisis
by Issaka Kaboré, Catholic Relief Services, Burkina Faso, and former official in the Ministry of Education & Leonora MacEwen, IIEP

Planning for tsunamis
How Chile successfully developed strategies to address the risk of tsunamis
by Pamela Orgeldinger et Giovana Santillán, OREALC/UNESCO Santiago


Learning from Oman’s education system
by Véronique Quénéhen, IIEP