The Republic of South Sudan has embarked on the development of its second Education Sector Analysis (ESA), an analytical document that gives a comprehensive picture of the country’s education system.
This activity, which highlights the main strengths and weaknesses of the education system, is a key part of the preparation of the education sector’s strategic plan. This will ultimately allow decision-makers to prioritize their national policies and to provide relevant information for dialogue between the government and actors involved in the education sector, including development partners.
The second ESA is analyzing the effects of disaster and conflict on the education system, as well as the mitigation activities currently in place. It has also involved a mission to Juba, South Sudan (from 7-14 December 2015), during which the national team examined education quality and management issues in great depth. The team also looked into the effects of flooding, drought and conflict on these aspects of the education system. This third mission – out of a series of four to South Sudan – was supported by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).
The 2015 ESA process started in September 2015 and is expected to end in January 2016. The coordination is ensured by the Department of Planning and Budget of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST), and a multi-ministerial national team is responsible for its development.
Technical support is provided by IIEP-UNESCO and UNESCO Juba. Funders include GPE, the Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office of UNICEF (ESARO), Protect Education in Insecurity and Conflict (PEIC), UNESCO Juba and IIEP-UNESCO.