EPA 303 - Micro-Planning and School Mapping

23 April 2019 to 3 May 2019
Training location: 
Paris (France)

Practical information and application

Find on this page all the practical information on the SCP and related costs.

Click here to apply to this course.

IIEP is using a new online training management system. Click on this link for some instructions on the online application process. 

Course objectives

To provide participants with the skills and tools required to apply school mapping techniques to their own country, and give them an understanding of the importance of school mapping for the effective use of resources necessary to achieve SDG4. At the end of the course, participants should be able to:

  • Explain the main concepts and approaches concerned with micro-planning and school mapping;
  • Define the various methodological stages involved in the school mapping process, from the diagnosis to the establishment of the prospective school map;
  • Evaluate and identify alternative strategies for organizing educational provision and their application in accordance with the country context, taking into account the Education 2030 international agenda; 
  • Use Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to support school mapping at each of its stages.


  1. Micro-planning and school mapping: definition, concept and process: The component explains the concepts of micro-planning and school mapping, their usefulness in the current context and identifies the main stages involved in the process of implementing school mapping. (½ day)
  2. Diagnosing the education system at local level: The component focuses in identifying the main criteria to select the pilot area for a school mapping exercice and calculating and interpreting the main indicators (disaggregated by gender) used for diagnosis of the local education system both at primary and secondary level, as regards coverage, as well as its internal efficiency or quality. (2 ½ days)
  3. Projection and simulation methods and techniques: While this component does not elaborate in detail on simulation techniques which are considered in other ATP courses, it introduce their main features, and demonstrates their helpful contribution to decision-making in school mapping. (2 days)
  4. Norms, standards, catchment areas and reorganization of the school network: This component discusses the norms, standards and catchment areas. It reviews the various strategies for reorganizing the school system to improve not only its cost-effectiveness, but also equity and the quality of learning. (2 days)
  5. Use of Geographical Information Systems: This component presents the main characteristics of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). It reviews their possible practical application to the field of school mapping. It allows participants to perform some simple manipulations (2 days) 


Basic knowledge of Excel workbook environment.

Profile of participant:

In addition to the criteria mentioned in the introduction, authorities involved in school mapping at the local or central level; development partners or members of NGO’s involved in the development of education systems at the local level with at least two years of work experience in the field of education.