Foundations of Education Sector Planning (online): Shape the future of your education system

2 October 2024 to 22 July 2025
Application deadline: 
28 June 2024
French, English
USD 2,500

Who is this programme intended for?

  • Educational planners and managers involved in policy formulation and implementation;
  • Officials from education ministries and professionals from other governmental bodies in charge of education matters;
  • Professionals working for NGOs and national or international agencies contributing to education planning.

What are the main programme contents and skills acquired?

Participants in the online Foundations of Education Sector Planning programme gain competencies in the conception of strategic planning, its aim and implications as well as the use of education statistics to address key issues relating to equity, quality and governance. More specifically, upon completion of the programme, they are expected to be able to:

  • Analyse the main theories and international commitments that shape education policy and planning.
  • Advocate for key policies that address the most pressing education challenges.
  • Defend selected education policies by summarizing the main arguments.
  • Calculate and interpret key education indicators for the analysis of major dimensions in educational planning.
  • Design and draft an education sector analysis.
  • Use simulation/projection tools for plan target setting.
  • Evaluate the relevance and feasibility of education plans.
  • Operationalize plan objectives into education sector programmes.
  • Select, analyse, and present relevant information for planning including monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) concepts and evaluation strategies.
  • Organise collaborative work for education sector planning tasks.


How do participants learn?

This fully online programme will use an interactive and practice-oriented learning approach. Throughout the programme, participants will be asked to prepare practical exercises that will allow them to directly apply the skills acquired.

The training will be conducted via three learning modalities:

  • Individual study of reading materials, videos, interactive presentations, and completion of quizzes.
  • Participation in weekly 90-minute online ‘live’ sessions, such as webinars, presentations, debates, and group activities.
  • Interaction with international experts and participants from other institutions and countries through direct collaboration in group work and sharing of experiences in a discussion forum.


Assessment and certification

Participant performance will be marked on a scale of 0 to 20 with 60 per cent (12 out of 20) considered a passing grade. Performance will be assessed through:

  • Group assignments
  • Individual assignments

Participants who successfully meet the validation requirements of the programme will obtain a Certificate of Completion with 18 IIEP credits.