Amelie A. Gagnon is leading the Data and Evidence Cluster of the Technical Cooperation team at IIEP
Amelie is coordinating IIEP’s portfolio in micro-planning, covering the areas of decentralization and deconcentration, workforce management, geospatial data analysis, education statistics, the operationalization of the Right to Education, the use of evidence in educational planning, as well as designing tools and methodologies.
As a demographer, Amelie is passionate about putting data to the service of evidence-informed decision-making in educational planning.
Prior to joining IIEP in 2015, Amelie spent six years at the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) advising Member States of Latin America and the Caribbean in matters of EMIS, data collection, data management, monitoring and evaluation. Amelie was also responsible for building the UIS global database on free and compulsory education and contributing to the design of key international comparative education surveys.
Before joining UNESCO, Amelie served as Economist-Statistician at Statistics Canada’s Research Data Centre in Saskatchewan (Canada) where they were responsible for opening and managing a research facility, providing statistical capacity building to researchers and students, and analysing disclosure risks from projects using Canadian Social Surveys and censuses.
- M.Sc. in Demography (Population and Development) and B.Sc. in both Political Science and Economics, from the Université de Montréal (Canada)
- Barragán Díaz, Juana; Gagnon, Amélie (2023). Planning to fulfil the right to education: methodological guidelines and toolkit. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO.
- 2023 KIX EAP Podcast. Episode #21: “Demystifying data for localised and meaningful educational results, with Amélie Gagnon” Link on Spotify
- Vargas Mesa, G.; Sheldon, A.; Gagnon, A.A. Forthcoming 2023. Assessing Natural Hazard Risks for Planning Location of Educational Facilities: Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Site Classification. IIEP Technical Notes, 4. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO.
- Srivastava, P., Cardini, A., Matovich, I., Bhatty, K., Gagnon, A.A., Jenkins, R., Mundy, K., Reuge, N. & Séguin, T. (2022). Education recovery for stronger collective futures, Policy Brief for the Social Area “Social Cohesion and the Future of Welfare Systems”, Jakarta: T20 Indonesia.
- Gagnon, A.A.; Vargas Mesa, G.; Oja, R.; Pyykkönen, S.; Tjukanov, T. 2022. Isochrone-Based Catchment Areas for Educational Planning. Technical Note 3. Paris and Helsinki: IIEP-UNESCO and GISPO Finland.
- Gagnon, A.A.; Vargas Mesa, G. 2022. School-age populations exposed to natural hazards: An approach to triangulate internally displaced population estimates. Background paper to the Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) 2022. Geneva: International Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC)
- Bondarenko, M., Sorichetta, A., Vargas Mesa, G., Gagnon, A.A., Tatem, A.J. (2022). Gridded Sex-Disaggregated School-Age Population Datasets for Countries and Dependent Territories in Africa in 2020
- Vargas Mesa, G. & A.A. Gagnon (2021). Geographically Weighted Regressions for prioritizing educational planning, policies, and interventions. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO.
- Gagnon, A.A. & G. Vargas Mesa (2021). Estimating school-age populations by applying Sprague multipliers to raster data, Paris: IIEP-UNESCO
- Srivastava, P., Cardini, A., Anderson, S., Bhatty, K., Gagnon, A.A., Jenkins, R., Matovich, I., Moriarty, K., Reuge, N. & Séguin, T. (2021). Rebuilding Education Systems for Recovery - A Crisis-Sensitive and Equity Focused Approach, Policy Brief for the Social Area “Social Cohesion and the Future of Welfare Systems”, Rome: T20 Italia
- Srivastava, P., Cardini, A., Matovich, I., Moussy, H., Gagnon, A.A., Jenkins, R., Reuge, N., Moriarty, K., & Anderson, S. (2020). COVID-19 and the global education emergency: Planning systems for recovery and resilience. Policy brief for T20 Task Force 11 on (COVID-19) Multidisciplinary Approaches to Complex Problems. Riyadh: T20 Saudi Arabia.
- Simon, P., V. Piché & A. Gagnon (2015) Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity: Cross-National Perspectives in Classifications and Identity Politics, Springer
- Gagnon, A. & E. Legault (2015) Closing the primary teacher gap in sub-Saharan Africa: How many teachers are needed, and how much would it cost? PROSPECTS - Volume 45, Issue 3, pp 391-406
- Gagnon, A. & N. Mondain (2008) Démographie et santé mondiale : un carrefour indispensable in "La santé mondiale. Recherche et enseignement au Québec" ACFAS
- Stone, L., A. Genest, J. Légaré & A. Gagnon (2003) Le vieillissement des populations comme variable causale à effets connus: comment éviter des conclusions hâtives, Cahiers québécois de démographie, vol. 32, n° 1, 2003, pp. 155-165