Africa South of the Sahara

  • A Statistical profile of education in Sub-Saharan Africa in the 1980s

  • Private education in Sub-Saharan Africa: a re-examination of theories and concepts related to its development and finance

    Kitaev, Igor V.
  • Financing and financial management of education

    Péano, Serge; Kitaev, Igor V.; Oulai, Dramane
  • The Impact of HIV/AIDS on education and institutionalizing preventive education

    Carr-Hill, Roy A.; Katabaro, Kamugisha Joviter; Oulai, Dramane
  • Multigrade schools: improving access in rural Africa?

    Brunswic, Etienne; Valérien, Jean
  • The HIV challenge to education: a collection of essays

    Coombe, Carol; Cohen, Desmond; Ebersöhn, Liesel; Eloff, Irma; Epstein, Debbie; Hepburn, Amy; Hernes, Gudmund; Kelly, Michael J.; Khanye, Vivian; Lawrence, John E.S.; Morrel, Robert; Moletsane, Relebohile; Rugalema, Gabriel; Unterhalter, Elaine
  • Overcoming the obstacles to EFA

    Caillods, Françoise; Poisson, Muriel; Talbot, Christopher
  • Financing education: redesigning national strategies and the global aid architecture: IWGE Meeting 2010

  • Financing education: redesigning national strategies and the global aid architecture: a report from the IWGE

    Varghese, N.V.
  • Educational access, equity, and development: planning to make rights realities

    Lewin, Keith M.