+33 (1) 45037757
Team Leader, Technical Cooperation Team, Economics of Education, Education Policies, Education Sector Analysis, Skills, Education equity, Disability-inclusive education.

Mr Suguru Mizunoya is the Head of the Technical Cooperation Team. In this role, he coordinates IIEP's Technical support to UNESCO Member States through the IIEP Paris office.

Prior to joining IIEP, Suguru served as Senior Advisor for Statistics and Monitoring and Chief of the Education Data Unit at the Unicef Headquarters Office in New York. He was in charge of developing and implementing the MICS-EAGLE (Education Analysis for Global Learning and Equity) Initiative, which analyzed education data to provide evidence for global and national policy and advocacy. This project supported the analysis of educational situations using household surveys and contributed to the capacity development of education stakeholders in over 30 low and lower-middle-income countries around the world. 

Suguru has extended international experience, having worked in both development and emergency contexts, in Kenya (during the 2011 Horn of Africa Drought Crysis), Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, and Japan (during the Great Eastern Earthquake emergency). He has also worked in various capacities in international organizations such as UNESCO, World Bank, and ILO. From 2014 to 2017, he was the Acting Director of the Global Political Economy Program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he taught political economy and quantitative analysis.


Suguru holds a PhD and M.Phil. degrees in Economics and Education from Teachers College Columbia University and a Master of International Affairs from the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University. He has written extensively on foundational learning outcomes in education policies, disability-inclusive education, out-of-school children, gender and education, education finance, as well as social policy issues, including social protection and universal health care financing.


He has published over 100 knowledge products -including UNICEF reports, policy briefs, academic journals, and data visualization tools. Some of his latest publications include: