Training at IIEP-UNESCO

To meet the challenges of educational planning and management, our world-renowned training courses enable education officials and specialists from all over the world to strengthen their technical and management skills. Guided by the knowledge and expertise of our team of instructors, learn how to design, plan, and improve your education system. 



A unique learning experience

For 60 years, IIEP-UNESCO has been helping professionals in the field of educational planning and management develop their skills. Subject to a rigorous quality assurance process, our courses are monitored, evaluated and updated every year.

 Why train with IIEP?  

  • Strengthen your skills and competencies in education policy analysis, sector diagnosis, plan formulation, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.
  • Develop your current planning practices in strategic management and education leadership.
  • Enhance your expertise in using planning and management techniques, tools, and educational information systems. 
  • Become a change agent in your country by reinforcing and developing your communication skills.
  • Meet your new needs by maximizing the impact on your professional practices.


IIEP is dedicated to helping States develop and implement more effective education policies, in cooperation with national and international partners. 



A wide range of courses 

IIEP-UNESCO continuously updates and enriches its training offer. Here you can explore some of the themes covered in our online or face-to-face courses, which are taught through seminars, lectures, practical exercises, individual or group work, and more.


Educational sector planning

  • Educational planning today
  • Statistical tools and indicators in educational planning
  • Education policies and strategies: international and national debates
  • Education sector diagnosis: methodology and tools
  • Education plan preparation and implementation
  • Etc.

Educational planning and analysis

  • Education management information systems (EMIS)
  • Projections and simulation models: methods and techniques
  • Micro-planning and school mapping
  • Using learning assessment data to monitor SDG 4 progress
  • Etc. 

Educational planning and management

  • Organization and management of education systems
  • Teacher management
  • Education budget and financial management
  • Designing education sector programmes and projects
  • Etc.

Transversal themes

  • Disability-inclusive education sector planning
  • Transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption measures in education
  • Adult and non-formal education
  • External quality assurance in higher education
  • Internal quality assurance in higher education
  • Early childhood education
  • Crisis-sensitive planning
  • Comprehensive sexuality education
  • Etc.



Who are our trainees?

Our training courses vary in terms of formats and themes, but they are all designed for education professionals with specific backgrounds and skills. In all cases, IIEP-UNESCO training participants are selected for their excellent qualifications, their career potential, and their motivation to carry out a relevant professional project.



How to apply?

The conditions and procedures for enrolment, selection, and funding vary depending on the course. You can apply individually or as part of a group (organized by a national ministry). Discover what’s on offer in Paris, Dakar, or Buenos Aires, and contact our local training coordinators for further information. 

Does your country have specific training needs in educational planning?

Apply for tailor-made training


Our recent trainees 

"I'm able to provide recommendations to the planning department in the Ministry of Education and to help begin the implementation phase of the Transitional Education Plan for Yemen."

Randa Bamuqabel, Ministry of Education in Yemen



IIEP's other areas of expertise

IIEP-UNESCO is built on three complementary pillars: training, research, and technical support in the field for States and their ministries of education.