Training with IIEP-UNESCO in Buenos Aires

IIEP-UNESCO Office for Latin America and the Caribbean is at the forefront of training in educational policy planning and management on the Latin American continent. We offer a wide selection of courses every year, mainly delivered through distance learning. The Buenos Aires office also provides tailor-made training courses to the region’s countries.

 "We train education officials and specialists from all over Latin America"

Regular programmes available in Buenos Aires

Since 1997, IIEP-UNESCO Office for Latin America and the Caribbean has held an annual comprehensive training programme in educational policy planning and management, which has now grown to cover 19 UNESCO member states in Latin America. In addition to this regional programme, we offer a selection of online training programmes and thematic courses in both Spanish and Portuguese, all led and supervised by high-level academic tutors.


This training programme is aimed at Latin American professionals and is conducted in Spanish. After obtaining their certification, participants can supplement what they have learnt by completing the Advanced Training Programme, equivalent to a Master's degree, offered by IIEP headquarters in Paris, France.

  • 20 weeks of blended learning (mainly online) between April and October, i.e. 5 months in total
  • 5 pieces of coursework + 1 final project required to earn certification
  • A face-to-face forum* held at the end of the course in a host country in Latin America
  • 20 hours of work per week

*The 2020 forum planned in Panama is cancelled due to the health situation

Programa regional : Descargar el Folleto

What does the regional training programme cover?

The training programme is made up of five successive thematic courses, all of which are taught remotely:

- Course 1: Educational Planning Today - 5 weeks
- Course 2: Organization and management of education systems - 3 weeks
- Course 3: Educational policy strategies: national and international debates - 4 weeks 
- Course 4: Information systems for decision-making - 4 weeks
- Course 5: Planning and implementation of educational plans and programmes - 4 weeks

In order to obtain their certification, participants must pass all five courses and develop a final ‘dissertation’ type project. Each participant is guided through the programme by a high-level academic tutor.

Each year, the training ends with an optional week-long study trip to a Latin American country, structured around lectures, participatory workshops, and observational visits to see the host country's education system in action.

For more information, contact:

To find out all about the selection and admission procedures for the programme, the fees, and the dates of the course, head to: Descubre la página web de IIEP Buenos Aires

 A new national programme focused on Argentina

In 2020, we launched our first national training programme in educational policy planning and management specifically for officials of the ministries of education in each of the provinces in Argentina.

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From complete online training courses to one-off programmes responding to current events, IIEP Buenos Aires offers a rich and diverse range of distance learning courses every year, all via our virtual campus. All programmes are led by an academic tutor. The tutor's role is to monitor and support each learner and facilitate exchanges between participants in class.

  • A 100% online offer, updated every year
  • Courses in Spanish and/or Portuguese, adapted to national contexts
  • Courses lasting from 15 to 20 weeks, depending on the training course
  • Synchronous and asynchronous learning modes, including webinars, video chat, and collaborative forums
  • Modular formats + one final project to be validated in order to obtain IIEP certification

Four online training programmes and a thematic course

In 2020, IIEP Buenos Aires has five programmes on offer. Each consists of several successive modules and corresponds to a total of ~215 online hours over 20 weeks.

- Digital policies in education [in Spanish/Portuguese] – conocer más
- Evaluation policies in education [in Spanish/Portuguese] – conocer más 
- Education policies for technical and vocational training [in Spanish only] – conocer más
- Teaching careers policies [in Portuguese only] –  contacto
- Crisis-sensitive planning course [in Spanish] – conocer más


Tailor-made training courses

Every year, our team of instructors provides tailor-made training courses, in situ and on request, to member States from the Latin American continent. Past courses have included training on:

  • Management and planning of education systems
  • Statistics and information systems in education
  • Early childhood education policy development


Hear from IIEP Buenos Aires alumni

 All testimonials


Our other sites and training modalities

In addition to the training offered by IIEP's headquarters in Paris, our regional office in Dakar also offers a complete range of training courses adapted to the specificities and challenges of the African continent