Training with IIEP-UNESCO in Dakar

With its historical specialisation in training in sectoral policies and the management of educational systems in Africa, our regional office in Dakar also offers a course aimed at African and international leaders responsible for managing national vocational professional training plans.


“We train managers in education and technical and vocational training from the entire African continent.”

IIEP-UNESCO Dakar’s flagship training

Every year, IIEP’s office in Dakar delivers two training programmes intended, as a priority, for officials in ministries responsible for education and vocational training in African countries.

I. Training course in sector policy and education system management (PSGSE)


Since 2007, IIEP in Dakar has offered a diploma course on the topic of sectoral analysis. The course is conceived and delivered in collaboration with the Faculty of Science and Technology of Education and Training of Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar. The PSGSE programme is a reference training intended for people from the African continent.

  • 14 months of blended training (combination of face-to-face and virtual)
  • 8 modules to be validated to obtain 60 ECTS credits, the equivalent of one year of a Master’s course
  • 1,200 hours in total


PSGSE training: télécharger la brochure [en français]



At the end of the training, participants can complete their course through the IIEP Advanced Training Programme (ATP) in Paris, France.

What are the issues covered by the PSGSE course and the broad outline of the training? Jean-Pierre Jarousse, co-founder of the programme and retired lecturer from the University of Rennes 2 (France) explains. [video en français]



What does the PSGSE programme consist of?

The training is made up of eight successive modules which encourage active learning, between theory and practice.

Module 0 – Using a spreadsheet and introduction to basic statistical and econometric notions
Module 1 – General and school demography
Module 2 – Analysis of schooling
Module 3 – Educational outcomes
Module 4 – Planning and administration of educational systems
Module 5 – Costs and finance
Module 6 - External efficiency
Module 7 - Equity

Find out more about the conditions and procedures for admission, the timetable and the fees of the PSGSE training programme: Access the IIEP Dakar website


II. Training course in management of technical and vocational education and training (MTVET)

Launched in October 2020, this new training course run by IIEP-UNESCO Dakar aims to strengthen the skills of those responsible for vocational training systems. Its intention is to support better planning and a more efficient implementation of policies in technical and vocational education and training (TVET).

  • 7 months of blended training (combination of face-to-face and virtual)
  • 4 modules to be validated to obtain an IIEP training certificate
  • 8 hours of work a week


SMTVET training: télécharger la brochure [en français]


What does the MTVET programme consist of?

The training is broken down into four successive modules, supplemented with case studies drawn from country experiences.

Module 1 - Specificities, challenges, and concerns of Technical and Vocational Teaching and Training, modes of organisation, and governance
Module 2 – Tools to analyse the labour market and methods to anticipate skills needs
Module 3 – Financing options for TVET and macro-financial simulation
Module 4 – Translating policies into action plans and following up the implementation of TVET reforms

Find out more about the admission process, the timetable, and the fees of the PSGSE training programme [en français]: Accéder à la page web de l’IIPE-Dakar


 III. Tailor-made training

The IIEP-UNESCO Dakar team of trainers supports states on the African continent in the context of tailor-made training courses, organised in situ at their request, according to their needs. The proposed themes include:

  • Analysis and management of educational systems
  • Planning of gender sensitive education
  • Management and steering of vocational training
  • Quality management


 Trained by IIPE Dakar: Testimonies

By enabling me to discover strategies and techniques that are useful for my work, this training course turned out to be very beneficial.
Béatrice Mandevu, Advisor to the Ministry of Education and Technical and Vocational Training in Burundi

Read all testimonies


Our other sites and training methods

In addition to the training offered by IIEP's headquarters in Paris, our IIEP-UNESCO Office for Latin America and the Caribbean also offers a complete range of training courses adapted to the specificities and challenges of the Latin American continent