Policy Forum in China focuses on quality in higher education

01 June 2016

Over one hundred national and institutional decision-makers for higher education will gather at the Xiamen University in China for the upcoming IIEP Policy Forum from 9 to 11 June 2016.

The event, Higher education quality and employability: How internal quality assurance (IQA) can contribute, will highlight findings from a major international study led by IIEP on effective and innovative solutions for developing IQA systems in different contexts worldwide.

Click here for more detailed information on IIEP’s upcoming Policy Forum in China.


Image Policy Forum China quality and Higher Education


Launched in 2014, the research project involved eight public and private universities in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America whose IQA systems could clearly demonstrate good practices and innovative features for other universities striving to replicate similar systems.

Representatives from each of the universities will be present at the Policy Forum, in addition to other renowned international experts in the field.

All of the case studies will be available download soon on the IIEP website.
In the meantime, IIEP has produced a series of summaries addressing various aspects of what goes into the making of an IQA and what determines its success:

Part 1: How does internal quality assurance impact employability in Bangladesh and Kenya?
Part 2: Internal quality assurance in Bahrain and Germany
Part 3: Communication key to creating a culture of quality in higher education in China and Austria
Part 4:  Integrating internal quality assurance in Chile and South Africa