In an important step to develop leadership skills in crisis-sensitive planning to address challenges posed by adversity, the Ministry of Education in Jordan and IIEP-UNESCO conducted a workshop entitled "Fundamentals of Crisis-sensitive Educational Planning", one of a series of workshops and courses to be held over the next three years.
This workshop, held from 23 to 25 September 2018, is part of a three-year project with IIEP funded by the European Union’s Foreign Policy Instrument (FPI) to support the Ministry of Education to strengthen its capacity to plan and implement the Ministry’s crisis-risk reduction strategy. The aim is to better understand the fundamentals of crisis planning and link this to annual implementation plans.
The workshop, which was inaugurated by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education for Administrative and Financial Affairs, included a review of crises with which Jordan is confronted, an introduction to the planning process, and reflection on crisis risk reduction activities that could be incorporated into the Ministry's implementation plans.
The importance of planning for crisis management stems from working on the prevention, not the reaction. It also provides a coordinated approach and full exploitation of the monetary and human resources possessed by the Ministry. This will ensure the continuation of the Ministry in performing its role and activities before, during and after crises, such as the Syrian crisis.
See Jordan’s official education documents on our portal Planipolis here.