Designing teacher career structures and evaluating staff performance

Chimier, Chloé; Tournier, Barbara
English, French
IIEP research brief. Teacher career reforms: learning from experience, 3

Online version

About the publication

A major question for governments is how to reshape the teaching profession and make teaching an attractive career choice for today’s youth. A close examination of the organization and management of teacher careers can provide useful insights into how to make teaching more appealing as a career. A number of countries have reformed their teacher career structures over the past decades, and others foresee introducing changes in the near future. To benefit from their experience, between 2016 and 2018 IIEP looked into the organization and management of teacher careers in Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Lithuania, Mexico, New York City, Peru, Scotland, South Africa, and Thailand. The research findings aim to provide policy-makers and governments with a variety of options with regard to the design of teacher careers, highlighting management implications as well as perceived effects of teacher career reforms on teacher motivation, attraction, and retention. This brief is part of a series of four. It highlights key lessons to consider and main pitfalls to avoid when designing teacher career structures and related evaluation modalities.