Improving school financing: the use and usefulness of school grants: Togo

English, French
Global Partnership for Education
IIEP research brief
4 p.

Online version

About the publication

School grants are funds transferred to schools by the central government. The aim of this transfer is to increase schools' autonomy, allowing them to spend their resources in accordance with their needs. The UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) conducted a study to examine how the grants policy in Togo is devised and implemented. Field research was carried out in 15 public primary schools by means of 48 semi-structured interviews held on an individual basis with school heads, the treasurers of public primary school management committees (COGEP) or their representatives, and auditors, as well as 56 group interviews with teachers, members of parents' associations, and parents and pupils themselves. A quantitative survey covered six inspectorates of pre-school and primary education (IEPP), and the 15 public primary schools referred to above.