Internal quality assurance: enhancing higher education quality and graduate employability

Martin, Michaela
English, French
New trends in higher education
279 p.
Tertiary education
Tertiary education

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About the publication

With the rapid expansion of the higher education sector, accelerated by privatization and marketization, individual institutions worldwide face increasing challenges to offer and ensure quality educational services. In response to requirements of national regulatory bodies and/or internal demand for quality monitoring and management, a growing number of higher education institutions are adopting, or have already established, internal quality assurance (IQA). With the international spread of this reform movement, IQA policies, structures, and processes can differ significantly, depending on national and institutional contexts. Some institutions focus on employability in IQA, others on integrating academic or management processes into IQA, still others on using information generated from IQA as the basis for a dialogue on quality. IQA practices and effects consequently vary greatly from one context to another. This book highlights recent trends, innovative practices, and effects of IQA in higher education institutions at various stages of development. Presenting good practices and learnable lessons for IQA implementation in different contexts, it is thus a valuable resource for persons in charge of quality assurance in higher education, at both national and institutional level, as well as researchers.