Reduction of regional disparities: the rôle of educational planning

Carron, Gabriel; Ta Ngoc Châu
English, French, Spanish
Centro Interamericano de Estudios e Investigaciones para el Planeamiento de la Educación (Venezuela)
126 p., illus., maps
92-803-1100-X; 92-803-3100-0(spa, UNESCO); 978-92-803-3100-4; 980-6062-23-X(spa, CINTERPLAN); 92-803-3100-0(spa, UNESCO); 978-92-803-3100-4; 980-6062-23-X(spa, CINTERPLAN)

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About the publication

Based on eight monographs presented and discussed at a working meeting of the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) in 1977, this summational report is intended to be used by educational planners for a reduction of regional disparities through school network reorganization and improvements in educational service. Part I discusses the regional approach to the problem of educational disparities with reference to countries such as Thailand and Kenya, identifying both inter- and intra-regional disparities. Part II establishes criteria for measuring disparities, beginning with such commonly used indicators as quantitative expansion of the education system and efficiency of educational service, and demonstrating three different types of evaluative analysis: evolution of disparities in time, evolution of disparities at different levels of the education system, and the relation between educational, economic and social disparities. Part II also includes a proposed classification of educational indicators for analytical purposes. While Part III focusses on disparities in educational access, school progress, and scholastic achievement, Part IV reviews measures currently envisaged by governments for reducing regional disparities and discusses their implications for educational planning.