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181 items found
  1. Population growth and costs of education in developing countries

    Caillods, Françoise; Hallak, Jacques; Ta Ngoc Châu; Tibi, Claude
  2. Private education in Sub-Saharan Africa: a re-examination of theories and concepts related to its development and finance

    Kitaev, Igor V.
  3. Private finance and management of education in developing countries: major policy and research issues

    James, Estelle
  4. Private higher education

    Varghese, N.V.; Alam, Mahmudul; Haque, Shamsul; Ovodenko, Anatoli A.; Abagi, Okwach; Nzomo, Juliana; Otieno, Wycliffe; Sharvashidze, George; Tasbulatova, Shaizada; Belosludsteva, Valentina; Tasbulatov, Temirkhan
  5. Private higher education in Bangladesh

    Varghese, N.V.; Alam, Mahmudul; Haque, Shamsul
  6. Private supplementary tutoring in Central Asia: new opportunities and burdens

    Silova, Iveta
  7. Private tuition in Mauritius: the mad race for a place in a 'five-star' secondary school

    Foondun, A. Raffick
  8. Problems of financing the Thai educational system in the 1960s and 1970s

    Bennett, Nicholas L.
  9. Recent trends in education aid: towards a classification of policies

  10. Recurrent financing of vocational and technical education in Poland: the case of the Voivodie of Gdansk

    McCabe, James
  11. Relationships between central and local authorities with respect to budgetary control of educational expenditures in decentralised administrative situations

  12. Révolution scientifique et technique et réformes éducatives dans les pays socialistes d'Europe

    Topentcharov, Vladimir