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54 items found
  1. The Virtual university: models and messages; lessons from case studies

    D'Antoni, Susan
  2. Growth and expansion of private higher education in Africa

    Varghese, N.V.
  3. The Education of nomadic peoples in East Africa: synthesis report

    Carr-Hill, Roy A.; Sedel, Charlotte
  4. The Education of nomadic peoples in East Africa: review of relevant literature

    Carr-Hill, Roy A.
  5. Private higher education in Kenya

    Varghese, N.V.; Abagi, Okwach; Nzomo, Juliana; Otieno, Wycliffe
  6. Private higher education

    Varghese, N.V.; Alam, Mahmudul; Haque, Shamsul; Ovodenko, Anatoli A.; Abagi, Okwach; Nzomo, Juliana; Otieno, Wycliffe; Sharvashidze, George; Tasbulatova, Shaizada; Belosludsteva, Valentina; Tasbulatov, Temirkhan
  7. Community schools in Kenya: Case study on community participation in funding and managing schools

    Mujidi, Jeddidah; Njoroge Mungai, John; Nyamoita Onsomu, Eldah; Oulai, Dramane; Sankale, James
  8. Education for street children in Kenya: the role of the Undugu Society

    Ouma, Wangenge G.
  9. Revisiting technical and vocational education in Sub-Saharan Africa

    Atchoarena, David; Delluc, André
  10. The Quality of primary education: some policy suggestions based on a survey of schools: Kenya

    Nzomo, Juliana
  11. The Transition of youth from school to work: issues and policies

    Atchoarena, David
  12. Capacity building and institutional development in higher education in Kenya

    Wandiga, Shem Oyoo