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209 items found
  1. Forms of student support in Sweden: past, present and future

    Strömqvist, Sture
  2. Student loans schemes in Mauritius: experience, analysis and scenarios

    Mohadeb, Praveen
  3. Economic outcomes and school quality

  4. Policy options for student loan schemes: lessons from five Asian case studies

  5. Twenty years of secondary education policy in Chile

    Cariola, Leonor; Núñez Prieto, Yván
  6. Educação e novas tecnologias: esperança ou incerteza?

    Tedesco, Juan Carlos
  7. Discusiones de economía de la educación

    Morduchowicz, Alejandro
  8. Trends in secondary education in industrialized countries: are they relevant for African countries?

    Briseid, Ole; Caillods, Françoise; Lugaz, Candy; Murtin, Barbara
  9. Education & PRSPs: a review of experiences

    Caillods, Françoise; Hallak, Jacques
  10. Private higher education

    Varghese, N.V.; Alam, Mahmudul; Haque, Shamsul; Ovodenko, Anatoli A.; Abagi, Okwach; Nzomo, Juliana; Otieno, Wycliffe; Sharvashidze, George; Tasbulatova, Shaizada; Belosludsteva, Valentina; Tasbulatov, Temirkhan
  11. Formula funding of schools, decentralization & corruption: a comparative analysis

    Caldwell, Brian J.; Downes, Peter; Farenzena, Nalú; Gurr, David; Herczynski, Jan; Levacic, Rosalind; Luce, Maria Beatriz; Spinks, Jim M.
  12. Orçamentos e despesas de educação: perspectivas em Cabo Verde, Angola, Moçambique

    Costa, Isabel da; Delgado, José Pedro; Kavungu, João Baptista; Mazembe, Zacarias