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190 items found
  1. School principals: core actors in educational improvement. v.1: An analysis of seven Asian countries; v.2: Reports on seven Asian countries

    Kandasamy, Maheswari; Blaton, Lia
  2. Public expenditure tracking surveys in education

    Reinikka, Ritva; Smith, Nathanael
  3. Reforming higher education in the Nordic countries: studies of change in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden

    Fägerlind, Ingemar; Strömqvist, Görel
  4. Reforming the Ministry to improve education: an institutional analysis of the Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) of Nepal

    Carney, Stephen
  5. The Deep change process in Zamorano: 1997-2002

  6. The Reform of higher agricultural education institutions in China

    Yonggong, Liu
  7. Transparency in education

    A. Santizo Rodall, Claudia; Cabrero Mendoza, Enrique; Karim, Shahnaz
  8. Formula funding of schools, decentralization & corruption: a comparative analysis

    Caldwell, Brian J.; Downes, Peter; Farenzena, Nalú; Gurr, David; Herczynski, Jan; Levacic, Rosalind; Luce, Maria Beatriz; Spinks, Jim M.
  9. The National accreditation system in Colombia: experiences from the National Council of Accreditation (CNA)

    Revelo Revelo, José; Hernández, Carlos Augusto
  10. Organization of ministries of education

    Hernes, Gudmund; Göttelmann-Duret, Gabriele; Zadra, Estelle; Haq, Yasmin
  11. Ministries of education and the media: close encounters - mixed emotions

    Hernes, Gudmund; Martin, Michaela; Zadra, Estelle
  12. Accreditation in the higher education system in Hungary: a case study for international comparison

    Híves, Tamás; Kozma, Tamás; Radácsi, Imre; Rébay, Magdolna