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50 items found
  1. A Functional analysis of educational administration in relation to educational planning

    Gurugé, Ananda W.P.
  2. Accreditation and the global higher education market

    Hernes, Gudmund; Martin, Michaela; El-Khawas, Elaine; Hallak, Jacques; Hendriks, Birger; Hugonnier, Bernard; Lemaître, Maria José; Levasseur, Michel; Levy, Jan S.; Poisson, Muriel; Prakash, Ved; Stella, Antony; Tayag, Jean; Uvalic-Trumbic, Stamenka; Vincent-Lancrin, Stéphan
  3. Aspects sociologiques des notions de quantité et de qualité en fait d'éducation

  4. Cities and Education 2030: research in France

    Chimier, Chloé; Lugaz, Candy
  5. Croissance démographique et demande sociale d'enseignement

    Ta Ngoc Châu
  6. Décentralisation, partenariat et carte scolaire: le cas français

    Graça, Patricia Dias da
  7. Diversification of sources and the role of privatization in financing higher education in the Arab States region

    Sanyal, Bikas C.
  8. Développement de l'enseignement et besoins de main-d'œuvre en France

    Avramov, Todor
  9. Education in the industrialised countries

    Poignant, Raymond
  10. Education, work and employment

    Hallak, Jacques; Caillods, Françoise; Carnoy, Martin; Levin, Henry m.
  11. Educational planning as a social process

    Malan, Thierry
  12. Educational planning in practice

    Caillods, Françoise; Díaz Díaz, Hugo; Yoloye, E. Ayotunde; Prakash, Brahm; Hashim, Datuk Omar Mohamad; Zhou, Beilong; Malan, Thierry; Soumelis, Constantin G.