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15 items found
  1. Analysing urban-rural disparities in education in Poland: methodological lessons

    Kozakiewicz, Mikolaj
  2. Education and employment

    Caillods, Françoise; Sanyal, Bikas C.; Gómez, Victor Manuel; Jozefowicz, Adam
  3. Education and work in Poland

    Kluczynski, Jan; Sanyal, Bikas C.
  4. Emploi des diplômés et politique d'admission dans l'enseignement supérieur: version résumée de quatre études de cas (Soudan, Zambie, Tanzanie, Pologne)

    Yaici, Lahcène
  5. Forecasting skilled-manpower needs: the experience of eleven countries

    Youdi, R. Vesituluta; Hinchliffe, Keith
  6. Formula funding of schools, decentralization & corruption: a comparative analysis

    Caldwell, Brian J.; Downes, Peter; Farenzena, Nalú; Gurr, David; Herczynski, Jan; Levacic, Rosalind; Luce, Maria Beatriz; Spinks, Jim M.
  7. Graduate employment and planning of higher education in Poland

    Sanyal, Bikas C.; Jozefowicz, Adam
  8. Higher education and employment: an international comparative analysis

    Sanyal, Bikas C.
  9. In search of the triple helix: academia-industry-government interaction in China, Poland, and the Republic of Korea

    Martin, Michaela
  10. L'Influence du progrès technique sur le niveau et la structure des qualifications professionnelles en Pologne

    Grzelak, Zdzislaw; Penc, Josef; Kluczynski, Jan; Dymecka, Janina; Klimczak, Marian
  11. Managing university-industry relations: a study of institutional practices from 12 different countries

    Martin, Michaela
  12. Managing vocational education and training in Central and Eastern European countries: report of a programme on the training of researchers in the management of vocational education and training

    Caillods, Françoise; Atchoarena, David; Bertrand, Olivier