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13 items found
  1. Révolution scientifique et technique et réformes éducatives dans les pays socialistes d'Europe

    Topentcharov, Vladimir
  2. L'Enseignement supérieur et le développement économique et technique en Hongrie

    Avakov, R.M.; Timar, Janos
  3. Accreditation and the global higher education market

    Hernes, Gudmund; Martin, Michaela; El-Khawas, Elaine; Hallak, Jacques; Hendriks, Birger; Hugonnier, Bernard; Lemaître, Maria José; Levasseur, Michel; Levy, Jan S.; Poisson, Muriel; Prakash, Ved; Stella, Antony; Tayag, Jean; Uvalic-Trumbic, Stamenka; Vincent-Lancrin, Stéphan
  4. External quality assurance in higher education: making choices

    Martin, Michaela; Stella, Antony
  5. Accreditation in the higher education system in Hungary: a case study for international comparison

    Híves, Tamás; Kozma, Tamás; Radácsi, Imre; Rébay, Magdolna
  6. Getting the stakeholders involved: partnership at work in three countries from Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe

    Atchoarena, David
  7. Planning and educational policy: methods and experiences in Hungary, 1948-1988

    Timar, Janos
  8. The Diversification of the educational field in Hungary

    Inkei, Péter; Koncz, Gábor; Pocze, Gábor
  9. Forecasting skilled-manpower needs: the experience of eleven countries

    Youdi, R. Vesituluta; Hinchliffe, Keith
  10. Regional disparities in educational development: a controversial issue

    Carron, Gabriel; Ta Ngoc Châu
  11. Planning early childhood care and education in developing countries

  12. The Reform and policy of decentralized management of higher education

    Sanyal, Bikas C.