Short courses, micro-credentials, and flexible learning pathways: A blueprint for policy development and action

04 January 2023



Global trends suggest that micro-credentials, short courses, and flexible learning pathways will become a dominant feature of education and training. IIEP-UNESCO is launching a blueprint paper that explores ways to organize micro-credentials to offer up-to-date, quality learning to larger segments of the population, thus creating flexible learning pathways, fostering learner autonomy, and formally acknowledging competencies. The upcoming paper presents seven recommendations targeted at public policy-makers to take coordinated action.

This upcoming webinar will formally launch the blueprint paper, bringing together international experts, mainly from UNESCO involved in work on micro-credentials. Speakers will discuss the pertinence of the paper and how its recommendations resonate with their work and existing developments in different world regions.

Register for the webinar


26 January, 2023
2pm-3pm (CET time | Check your time zone)


Borhene Chakroun, Director for Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems, UNESCO

Confirmed speakers:

  • Michaela Martin, Assistant Director a.i. IIEP-UNESCO, co-author
  • Peter van der Hijden, Higher Education Strategy Consultant, co-author
  • Wesley Teter, Senior Consultant for Bangkok, Thailand
  • Victoria Galan, Chief of Research and Analysis at the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Yuraisha Chetty, Manager and Senior Researcher: Research Unit, South African Qualifications Authority


Please note, many people have registered for this event. Should we exceed maximum occupancy of 500 people, we will post the webinar online and share the link with all registrants. Please join the webinar a few minutes early to secure your place.