The global school-aged refugee population has reached 14.8 million, an increase of nearly 50 percent since 2021. More than half of all school-aged refugee children – or seven million – are out of school. For those in school, learning conditions can often be challenging.
Teachers are at the heart of education for refugees. Over the past five years, IIEP has joined forces with Education Development Trust, with the support of Dubai Cares, to provide research-informed policy recommendations for more effective teacher management in refugee settings. This is critical not only for teachers themselves, but for the learning of millions of young people worldwide.
During this project, teachers from Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda have shared their journeys – as teachers, and sometimes even as refugees themselves. As this research wraps up, IIEP is sharing global recommendations to help lead to durable solutions for refugees – and their teachers.
Four pillars of teacher management in refugee settings
Click the pictures to learn more about these important areas to foster an enabling environment for teachers of refugees.
Interested in learning more? Meet these teachers and others in the film series, We Teach Here.
The article series is hosted on Education 4 Resilience, the IIEP website dedicated to building resilience in education systems worldwide. The articles are authored by Candyce Billy and Katja Hinz from IIEP-UNESCO with Helen West from Education Development Trust.