George Mukose is the Principal Education Officer in the Ministry of Education and Sports of Uganda. As a recent training participant at IIEP, he tells us what he needs to do as a planner to make education more equitable.
International Day of Education matters to me because it provides an opportunity to reflect and take stock of what I have done in terms of personal contribution to the development of education. It is also an avenue to listen in and contribute to the discussion on access to equitable and quality education which is key to economic, social, and political transformation of society.
As an educational planner, I need to make sure that the planning process is participatory, involving a wide range of actors at all levels while paying attention to their capacity development. Align the sector plan to the overall vision, conduct education sector diagnosis, identify strategies, and analyse the trends to overcome the political, technical, and financial constraints to effective implementation. Ensuring adequate attention to vulnerabilities and disparities makes education provision more equitable and qualitative.
The world needs to invest in education because it is an inalienable right and a public good that is very critical in the political, economic, and social development of any society. Education helps in creating a better world to live in because it creates a critical mass that is responsible and innovative. Education blows a wind of sustainable change to humanity and a pathway to improve health, empowerment, and equity.