11th Medium-Term Strategy



The necessity to ensure learning continuity, and to address threats to the environment, economy, and the fabric of societies, gives a “here and now” urgency to implementing reforms. Transforming education systems and adopting new forms of learning cannot remain a distant ambition.

IIEP stands ready to help countries face complex and simultaneous challenges to achieve their education goals. 

This strategy insists on a more proactive role for educational planning and management, including reform or even system redesign, for greater effectiveness and efficiency, as well as a decisive investment in data and digital solutions.

IIEP’s two strategic objectives remain: the first supporting the institutional capacity of Member States for effective planning and management of education sector development, and the second, the availability and use of knowledge on educational planning and management as a global public good.

These two strategic objectives are served by IIEP’s four functions: a strong training offer; a responsive project portfolio for technical cooperation; a dedicated research and development pipeline; and a dissemination and outreach capacity for knowledge sharing.

These four functions contribute jointly to 10 “value streams” on:


This is an outcome-oriented and synergetic way of organizing IIEP’s portfolios of projects around the Education 2030 and UNESCO priorities.  The key idea underpinning the value streams is that the value is defined from the perspective of IIEP’s target audiences, in particular ministries of education. And the best way to bring value is through the combined strength of IIEP’s training, technical cooperation, research and development, and knowledge sharing.

To leverage the implementation of this strategy, IIEP, as a full-fledged actor in the international architecture of education cooperation, joins forces within UNESCO, the United Nations (UN), and with other global and regional bodies, programmes, and partnerships. It also actively pursues specific priorities at the regional level, with a special emphasis on professional networks and South–South cooperation. Finally, the Institute pursues its progress towards its own resilience and agility in order to better fulfill its mandate.

In the spirit of accountability, and to improve as an organization, monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) forms an integral part of the 11th MTS. The monitoring and complete financial, geographical, and thematic tracking of the Institute’s operations is reflected in the list of 10 Key Performance Indicators. Two of these represent a strong commitment to UNESCO-wide priorities on Africa (to devote more than half of IIEP’s total country support to the continent) and Gender Equality (reaching 100% mainstreaming by UN standards). Beyond metrics, embedded outcome harvesting, systematic external evaluation, and comprehensive reporting provide an ever-more results-oriented and transparent appraisal of IIEP’s strategy implementation.