Partnering with IIEP

Plan with us and shape the future

Amid a global learning crisis and other complex challenges, including climate change and widespread inequities, countries across the globe call on IIEP for evidence and support in planning, managing, and monitoring system-wide transformations to improve equity and learning outcomes of all children and youth.

Over the past 60 years and with a vision to act collaboratively, IIEP has developed long-standing financial and technical partnerships. IIEP has joined forces with UN entities, multilateral, and bilateral agencies, as well as with civil society organizations and the private sector. Engagement with ministries of education and education partners at local, national, regional, and global levels is also at the heart of IIEP’s work.

Partner with us

IIEP offers a comprehensive package of educational planning and management training, cutting-edge knowledge and evidence, and capacity development within countries. By combining these three pillars, IIEP drives transformative changes in education systems in pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal 4 and the Education 2030 Agenda.

IIEP experts – based in Buenos Aires, Dakar, and Paris, Dakar – do not act alone. Partners in countries, but also at regional and global levels are key enablers of IIEP’s work.  

Together, we can create synergies to implement projects, by sharing our respective know-how and expertise for the benefit of countries worldwide.

Partners can benefit from a range of services and approaches shaped by IIEP. This includes a systems perspective on educational progress, a foresight function that anticipates needs, and direct access to the ministries of education in Member States, helping to bridge international declarations for the future of education and the day-to-day realities facing millions of learners worldwide. 

Similarly, IIEP can nurture its offer with the support of its partners as it can tap into new perspectives, benefit from field presence, and ensure sustainability through financial support.

IIEP’s capacity to respond positively and efficiently to the increasing demand from Member States also depends on its ability to mobilize resources accordingly. In this context, technical and financial partners are more than ever needed for IIEP to deliver on its mandate.

Join us to help:

  • Develop new methodologies and innovate with tools,
  • Build evidence and global public goods for policy uptake,
  • Conduct outreach and knowledge sharing,
  • Implement our core training offer,
  • Strengthen staff-based expertise.

What’s next?

IIEP is willing to work with partners and organizations who wish to draw on our expertise, knowledge, and experience. The Institute is committed to building longstanding financial and technical partnerships for sub-national, national, regional, or global workstreams.

Partnering with IIEP can be project-based or can involve more structural and long-standing cooperation. In terms of financial support, this can include core funding, which is critical for IIEP to ensure its autonomy and unique position in educational planning and management worldwide, to maintain and develop its expertise, and to respond to the increasing demand of Member States.

In addition, funding partnerships can include soft-earmarked core funding to support IIEP’s work on specific thematic or functions, country-level programmes, and regional programmes.

For more information, please contact our Strategic Partnerships Officer.

Our core donors

IIEP's donors and partners

Bilateral donors and partners

Argentina – Ministry of External Relations, International Trade and Worship

France – Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

France – Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs

Germany – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Iceland – Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Sweden - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

Sweden – Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Switzerland – Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation 

United Kingdom – Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)

Donors and partners between 2019 and 2022

Multilateral donors and partners

African Union

Caribbean Development Bank

Conférence des ministres de l’Education des Etats et gouvernements de la Francophonie (CONFEMEN)

Education Cannot Wait (ECW)

European Union

Global Partnership for Education (GPE)

Inter American Development Bank

International Labour Organization

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

The World Bank

United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI)

Donors and partners between 2019 and 2022

Foundations and civil society organizations partnering with IIEP

Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)

African Campaign Network for Education for All (ANCEFA) – African Union

Campanha Latino-Americana pelo Direito à Educação (CLADE)

Dubai Cares

Education Development Trust

Education in Emergencies Hub

Forum For African Women Educationalists (FAWE)

Foundation ARCOR

Foundation Open Society Institute (OSI)

French University in Armenia Foundation (UFAR)

Fundación Zamora Terán Buenos Aires

Fundación Santa María Buenos Aires

Global Education Cluster

Institut de Hautes Etudes Internationales et du Développement (IHEID - NORRAG)

Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training (NORRAG)

Plan International

Porticus Latin America Consultoria Ltda

Protect Education in Insecurity and Conflict Program (EAA-PEIC)

Save the Children International 

Stiftung Auxilium Foundation

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Donors and partners between 2019 and 2022

Examples of our strategic partnerships

      Global Partnership for Education

IIEP and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) are long-standing strategic partners who are aligned on key approaches, thematic priorities, and modalities to better support countries with educational planning and management. This collaboration has expanded within the GPE 2021-2025 operating model. At the country level, IIEP has supported education sector analyses and planning processes and has contributed to developing enabling factors analysis and Partnership Compacts in four countries. IIEP is also providing support to capacity development activities and is, for example, leading the technical work of the GPE System Transformation Grant in Guyana. Furthermore, IIEP is part of the GPE Climate Smart Education Systems Initiative, as well as part of the GPE strategic grant on gender equality and grants from the Education Out Loud mechanism, to support civil society partners.

     Education Cannot Wait

Through technical cooperation, research, and training, IIEP works closely with ECW to guarantee and strengthen education in crisis and emergencies. IIEP’s unique know-how in planning, data, gender, and inclusion is essential to build inclusive system-wide resilience so that all children and youth affected by emergencies are identified and have access to continuous and safe quality education.