Governing Board


Governing Board members in Paris, France during the 64th session held in hybrid mode.
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The Governing Board


The Institute is administered by a Governing Board, consisting of twelve members:

  • eight members including economists, educators and other recognized specialists in fields relevant to IIEP’s mission, with at least one member each from Latin America, Asia, Africa and the Arab States, and
  • four members designated, respectively by the United Nations, the World Bank, a UN Agency and a UN Economic Commission.

Such a unique composition ensures that IIEP’s programmes correspond to the needs of UNESCO Member States by drawing the diverse knowledge and experience of individuals. Such a small but effective and representative board is also an excellent way of ensuring a balance between autonomy and accountability to the Organization.


The Board determines the general policy and the nature of the Institute’s activities within the framework of the general policy of UNESCO. It decides on the programme and the budget of the Institute and ensures the implementation of its activities.

Board members


Ms Pauline Rose
Professor of International Education
Faculty of Education University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK

Designated members


Vacant seat
Representative of the
of the United Nations

Mr Jaime Saavedra
Global Director, Education
The World Bank
Washington DC, USA

Mr Máximo Torero Cullen
Chief Economist
Food and Agriculture Organization 
of the United Nations
Rome, Italy

Mr Srinivas Tata
Director, Social Development Division
United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok, Thailand

Appointed members

Mr Albert Nsengiyumva
Executive Secretary
Association for the Development
of Education in Africa
Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Mr Keiichi Ogawa
Graduate School of International
Cooperation Studies
Kobe University
Kobe, Japan

Mr Fernando Reimers
Ford Foundation Professor
of Practice in International Education
Director of the Global Education
Innovation Initiative
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Ms Emiliana Vegas
Professor of Practice
Graduate School of Education
Harvard University
Massachusetts, USA


Ms Rong Wang
Professor and Director
China Institute for Educational
 Finance Research
Beijing, China

Ms Dina El Khawaga
Professor of Public Policies
and Public Administration
Cairo University
Cairo, Egypt


 Ms Sara Ruto
Program Officer
Echidna Giving
San Francisco, California, USA