Muriel Poisson is the acting Team Leader for IIEP’s new team on Knowledge Management and Mobilization (KMM).
She is also the task manager of the Institute’s programme on Ethics and Corruption in Education. In this capacity, she has coordinated research projects on a variety of topics including open school data, open government in education, and teacher codes of conduct. She trained more than 2,600 people on how on how to design and implement diagnostic tools aimed at assessing distorted practices in the use of education resources; and on how to design and implement strategies to improve transparency and accountability in education. She provides technical assistance to national teams in charge developing an integrity risk assessment, a public expenditure tracking survey, or a teacher code of conduct. She is also managing ETICO, a dynamic clearinghouse for all information and activities related to transparency and accountability issues in education.
Prior to this, she was involved in the preparation of studies on non-formal education in Asia, and on education in cities. She participated in the organization of meetings on curriculum change for the International Bureau of Education (IBE) in Geneva. She was also involved in activities led by UNESCO within the framework of the Dakar follow-up as assistant of the Assistant Director-General for Education. Finally, she was the team leader a.i. of IIEP’s Research and Development team from 2014 to the beginning of 2017.
Muriel has authored and co-authored a number of articles and books including: ‘Corrupt Schools, Corrupt Universities: What Can Be Done?’ (UNESCO Publishing) and 'Open School Data: What Planners Need to Know'.
University degree in history, Master's degree in political science, and a PhD in education from the University of Picardie (France).
Books published by IIEP available here.
- ETICO. "Programme de renforcement des capacités sur l’éthique et la corruption dans l’éducation". In : L’urgence de l’intégrité académique. Collection : Questions de société. EMS, 2021.
- OECD Reviews of integrity in education: Ukraine (co-author). OECD, 2017
- Corruption-risk assessment in the Kosovo education sector: findings and recommendations (co-author). UNDP, 2015.
- “Consequences of corruption in education and implications for economic growth and development” (co-author). In: Consequences of corruption in education and implications for economic growth and development. Contribution by the OECD, in collaboration with the World Bank Group, to the G20 Anticorruption Working Group, 16-17 October2014.
- “Corruption in the education sector”. In: Corruption, grabbing and development. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014.
- “International standards and national regulatory frameworks to realize the right to education. In: Global corruption report. Transparency International, 2013.
- “Application des chartes éthiques”. In: L’éthique à l’université marocaine : actes du colloque international (Rabat, 28-29 mars 2012). Université Mohamed V Souissi, 2012.
- Strengthening integrity and fighting corruption in education: Serbia (co-author). OECD, 2012.
- “Descentralização do sistema educacional: desafios do ponto de vista da transparência e da accountability” (co-author). In: Revista Brasileira de Política e Administração da Educação, Vol. 26, N° 2. Associação Nacional de Política e Administração da Educação (ANPAE), 2010.
- “Academic fraud and quality assurance: facing the challenge of internalization of higher education” (co-author). In: Accreditation and the global higher education market. IIEP, 2008.
- “Academic fraud, accreditation and quality assurance: learning from the past and challenges for the future” (co-author). In: Higher education in the world 2007. Accreditation for quality assurance: what is at stake? Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI), 2006.
- Science education for contemporary society: problems, issues and dilemmas (ed.). Final report of an international workshop on: “The Reform in the teaching of science and technology at primary and secondary level in Asia: comparative references to Europe” (Beijing, 2000). IBE, 2001.
- “Educational planning world-wide” (co-author). In: The International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (IESBS). Elsevier, 2001.
- “Education and globalization: learning to live together” (co-author). In: Globalization and living together: the challenges for educational content in Asia. Final report of a sub-regional course on curriculum development (New Delhi, 1999). IBE, 2000.
- “Education in cities”. In: Education Law and Policy in an Urban Society. Yearbook of the European Association for Education Law and Policy. Volume II. Kluwer Law International, 1999.
- The adaptation of content to the challenges of the twenty-first century (co-author). IBE, 1998 (published also in French).
- “Keeping the promises of cross-border higher education by fighting corruption risks” (co-author). In: IAU Horizons, Vol. 22, No.1, May 2017.
- ‟Governance in education : Transparency and accountability matters” (co-author). In: Education perspectives, N°2. Sri Lanka Ministry of Education, 2013.
- “Articulation entre formel, non formel et informel : des ponts à construire. Formel vs Informel”. In : Revue Interstice, N°2. L’Harmattan, 2012.
- “Education non formelle dans l’agenda international de développement de l’éducation” (co-author). In : Revue Interstice, N°2. L’Harmattan, 2012.
- Overcoming the obstacles to EFA (co-author). Contribution to ADEA’s Biennale . ADEA, 2006.
- ‟Corruption et éducation : quelles manifestations ? Quels enjeux ?” (co-author). In : La Lettre de Transparence, N°29. Transparency International, 2006.
- ‟Mejorando la transparencia y rendición de cuentas en la educación: una perspectiva internacional” (co-author). In: Gaceta de Política Educativa, Year 2, N° 5. Secretaria de la Educación Pública, México, 2006.
- “Ethics and corruption in education: an overview” (co-author). In: Journal of Education for International Development, 1(1). JEID, 2005.