Chloé Chimier is an Associate Programme Specialist in the IIEP technical cooperation team.
Chloé coordinates capacity development activities in educational planning and management, with a particular focus on sub-national levels of education systems.
Chloé's areas of expertise include teacher career reforms, instructional leadership at the middle tier, school-level management, and decentralization of education policies. Actively involved in the design and coordination of IIEP's research programmes in these areas, Chloé has co-published several research reports and contributes to IIEP’s online and face-to-face related training offer.
Chloé joined IIEP in 2013, where she first contributed to technical cooperation and training activities on crisis-sensitive education planning. In particular, she contributed to the development of vulnerability analyses, training materials, and planning tools.
- Master’s Degree in Development and International Cooperation (Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Lille, France).
- Tournier, C.; Chimier, C.; Jones, C. (eds.). 2023. Leading teaching and learning together: the role of the middle tier. Paris; Reading, Berkshire, UK: IIEP-UNESCO, Education Development Trust.
- Lugaz, C.; Chimier; C. 2021. Villes et Éducation 2030 : Recherche en France. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO.
- Childress, D.; Chimier, C.; Jones, C.; Page, E.; Tournier, B. 2020. Change agents: emerging evidence on instructional leadership at the middle tier. Paris; Reading, Berkshire, UK; New York: IIEP-UNESCO, Education Development Trust, The Education Commission.
- Tournier, B.; Chimier, C. 2019. Teacher career reforms: Learning from experience. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO
- Crehan, L.; Tournier, B.; Chimier, C. 2019. Teacher career pathways in New York City. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO
- Chimier, C.; Tournier, B. 2019. Why reform teacher careers and what models are emerging? Paris: IIEP-UNESCO
- Chimier, C.; Tournier, B. 2019. How do teachers perceive career structure reforms and how does this affect the profession? Paris: IIEP-UNESCO
- Chimier, C.; Tournier, B. 2019. Designing teacher career structures and evaluating staff performance. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO
- Chimier, C.; Tournier, B. 2019. Implementing teacher career structure reform. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO
- Harang, C.; Chimier, C. 2018. Designing and implementing a school grant policy. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO
- Chimier, C.; Emeran, C. 2017. Améliorer le financement de l’éducation : utilisation et utilité des subventions aux écoles. L’expérience d’Haïti, de Madagascar, de la République démocratique du Congo et du Togo. Paris : IIEP-UNESCO
- MacEwen, L.; Chimier, C. 2016. Burkina Faso: Integrating conflict and disaster risk reduction into an education sector plan. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO
Working documents
- Crimi, H.; Chimier, C.; Lugaz, C. 2021. Cities and educational planning and management: IIEP and UIL survey analysis report. Hambourg: UIL-UNESCO.
- Best, A.; Tournier, B.; Chimier, C. 2018. Topical questions on teacher management. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO
- Chimier, C. 2015. Les subventions aux écoles. Revue documentaire dans quelques pays d’Afrique francophone et à Haïti. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO.