Our short online course on planning education for crises and emergencies

09 Mars 2023


©IIEP-UNESCO/Makmende Media

IIEP-UNESCO is organizing a six-week course on crisis-sensitive educational planning this June, offering education professionals worldwide the opportunity to get the skills to protect education and learning for all during crises and emergencies, including for displaced populations.

Apply by 26 May!

Natural hazards, climate change, conflicts, and health crises can have a devastating impact on education.

Only 60% of refugee children attend primary school, compared to 90% of children globally.

Crises can affect the planning and managing education, as well as how learning opportunities are delivered during and after crises and emergencies.

Increasingly, governments and humanitarian and development partners understand the importance of adopting risk reduction strategies and planning for continuous access to quality education for all.

Join the course to put preparedness into action

Interested education professionals – from ministries of education at all levels, development and humanitarian partners, NGOs, and others – should apply by 26 May.

The course (in English) will take place from 7 June to 19 July 2023 (six weeks), with an orientation phase from 31 May to 6 June.

Interactive and practice-oriented, the course is based on IIEP’s extensive experience supporting countries in preventing, anticipating, and addressing crises through education sector planning. It also draws on the work with key stakeholders in developing guidance and research in this field.

Course coordinator Katja Hinz, a programme specialist at IIEP-UNESCO, explains that the participants will become familiarized with all the required steps to implement crisis risk reduction strategies, including programmes that address the education needs of forcibly displaced populations.

“Participants will learn first-hand how to estimate the costs of different strategies and they will explore key tools to make sure that programmes are successfully implemented, including operational plans and evaluation frameworks,” says Hinz.

You’ll learn how to identify risks, and respond

The course is designed to enhance participants’ competencies and technical skills to analyse the impact of risks and identify how to integrate crisis risk reduction and climate change into national education sector policy and planning processes.

For example, participants will learn how to:

  • Analyse the risks of conflict, natural hazards, climate change and forced displacement and identify capacities that are already in place to respond to and prevent the impact of crisis;
  • Identify opportunities for coordination between humanitarian and development activities as well as cross-sectoral coordination in their country;
  • Generate a cost estimation, use scenarios to assess the feasibility of policies, and identify sources of financing;
  • Develop measurable and realistic indicators and identify the sources of information necessary for monitoring and evaluation;
  • Identify key entry points to strengthen ministry of education leadership in crisis risk management.

What is crisis-sensitive educational planning?

Crisis-sensitive planning in education strives to make learning systems resilient to the negative impacts of diverse crises – attacks, natural hazards, or other emergencies. It addresses foreseeable, recurrent emergencies, as well as sudden-onset disasters or conflicts.

Effective coordination between ministry of education departments across all levels, between government agencies and humanitarian and development partners, and between the education sector and other sectors, can encourage collaboration, ensure equitable and efficient use of resources, and prevent any duplications.