The IIEP Letter: quality secondary education for all

08 Juillet 2019



The latest issue of The IIEP Letter is now out. This issue is dedicated to addressing the challenges and opportunities for quality secondary education for all. It addresses the necessary structural and curricular changes secondary education must undergo in order to address long histories of segregation and inequality. Experiences from Latin America illustrate some key takeaways on how to match commitment with meaningful change.

Drawing from a just published report commissioned by the Partnership to Strengthen Innovation and Practice in Secondary Education, three key lessons are shared on how to design, deliver, measure, and scale up youth life skills interventions. Turning to the African continent, IIEP Pôle de Dakar discusses the soaring demand for secondary education in sub-Saharan countries.

We also hear from the Mastercard Foundation on a forthcoming report on preparing youth for the future of work in Africa. In France, the architect of the reform of the baccalauréat discusses its core objectives, the public's reception, and implications for the broader education system in a co-authored piece with IIEP. Addressing the urgent issue of education for refugees and displaced invididuals, an interview with the Ministry of Education in Jordan shares their experience in integrating Syrian refugees into the country's national education system.