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This paper analyses the experience of the university of Copenhagen in the field of training university staff in pedagogy, with the purpose of elucidating: the methods and forms of development of this training scheme.The author review the socio-economic environment underlying the system of higher education.Effective planning and control of the development are required on the part of the government, which is however faced with great difficulties due to the constitutional and administrative practices of the country.Which respect to the system of higher education, it is noted that comprehensive reforms pertaining to the structure, goals and work methods have been discusses.They resulted in experiments with a new type of curriculum based on the concept of "basic higher education".A complex of factors worked together in justifying a rapid expansion of all parts of the system of higher education allowing for an unrestricted increase in student numbers.The development of an organisation for post-experience higher education in pedagogy for university or college teachers in Denmark is still, on a national scale, in its embryonic phase.As to methods used in the teaching/learning process, the author develops the three principal types of courses provided by the Institutefor studies in higher edducation:1)the basic courses in university teaching 2)the special courses 3)the one-year course.The evaluation of course activities has been discussed in terms of the attitudes to the courses of various groupings within the university.