170 p., illus.
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A propos de la publication
This research project is concerned with such questions as the following: How has East Germany responded to the challenges facing education's relationship to development, especially with respect to conditions imposed by the scientific and technical revolution? What contribution has its educational and training system made to industrialization and technical progress? And, conversely, what is the impact of that system on the evolution of technology and science? Following a preface and an introduction, three sections are devoted to (1) education and employment - fundamental theoretical problems and socio-economic conditions, (2) the relationship between training, further education, and employment, and (3) education and employment planning. Section I contains chapters on education and employment as essential elements in the social reproduction process - methodology, trends in economic growth and employment, the system of education, and development problems of education and employment. Section II contains chapters on general education to prepare for working life, career and study guidance, and aims and content of vocational training programmes. Section III contains chapters on fundamental information, the planning principle, manpower planning and plannning of the educational system, harmonization, long-term planning and forecasting, and research planning. A summary and a 51-item bibliography follow.