Education for rural people: aid agencies workshop

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Italy. Direzione generale per la cooperazione allo sviluppo
Education for rural people
114 p.

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A propos de la publication

The aid agencies workshop 'Education for rural people: targeting the poor' was held in Rome on 12 and 13 December 2002 at the FAO headquarters, with the collaboration of IIEP. It is one of the first activities to take place as part of the new. Education for rural people' flagship launched by FAO and UNESCO during the World Summit on Sustainable Development in September 2002. The meeting brought together representatives from about 30 governmental, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, all anxious for action to bring to an end 'or at least significantly reduce' the disadvantages suffered by rural people, particularly the rural poor. The participants recognized that, despite several decades of experience in educational programmes for rural people, there was still a need for a concerted effort to draw together the insights gathered from this experience. Just as importantly, policy makers, programme designers, and those who influence the allocation of financial and human resources, need to be made aware of, and given access to, this information. This workshop is a step towards realizing these objectives.