IIEP Research Report, 49
97 p.
Tertiary education
Tertiary education
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A propos de la publication
Based on a survey of college students, graduates, and employers throughout Java, this report examines (1) reasons for pursuing higher education, channels of career information, frequency of and reasons for student changing majors, and the performance of the higher education system, (2) occupational expectations and their determinants, (3) methods of obtaining employment and their effectiveness, (4) the correspondence between education and work, and potential means to improve it, and (5) possible incentives to encourage graduates to work in rural areas. Chapter I and II of the report discuss, respectively, the state of knowledge concerning the relationship between education and employment, and basic concepts guiding this study. Objectives of the study are stated in chapter III, and chapters IV and V discuss methodology used and characteristics of the three samples. The next three chapters analyze students', graduates', and employers' survey responses. Finally, chapter IX offers seven statements summarizing the survey findings and three broad policy recommendations. Appendixes present the three questionnaires used, and tabulated responses (from ERIC database)