Issues in planning and implementing national literacy programmes

Carron, Gabriel; Bordia, Anil
385 p., illus.

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A propos de la publication

This volume presents the eighteen papers which served as a base for discussions at an international workshop organized by the IIEP on "Plaaning and Implementation of Literacy and Post-Literacy Strategies" in Madras in December 1982. An introductory section analyses the main ideas discussed at the workshop, centered around four major themes : mass mobilization and people's participation, planning and management of programmes, evaluation and technical resource management and co-ordination with formal schooling and other basic services. Emphasizing functionality and the relationship between literacy and development, the introduction examines the basic concepts of literacy discussed at the workshop, and analyses the various approaches to the planning of literacy and post-literacy programmes at the national level -"top-down" or"bottom-up" models. The introduction also examines issues relating to the planning process itself, such as planning for different clienteles, choice of language or communication medium as well as methods of mobilization - of learners, literacy personnel and the community as a whole. The papers further illustrate these points - some papers are conceptual, dealing with general issues of planning, evaluation and co-ordination of services while others are country-specific and discuss issues such as language choice, women's involvement in literacy and use of the mass media. Two appendices contain a list of participants and detailed programme of the workshop.