IIEP Occasional Papers, 60
49 p.
Tertiary education
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A propos de la publication
This study of unemployment among university graduates in West Bengal (India), Bangladesh, and the Philippines provides socioeconomic and educational characteristics of these areas, a comparative analysis of unemployment, and suggested measures for reducing unemployment. The IIEP studies, focusing on university students, employed and unemployed graduates, and employers, provided the database. Differences in the questionnaires used in the three countries and failure to consider the unemployment situation of secondary school graduates are among the study's limitations. Socioeconomic characteristics include statistics on population size and growth rate, gross national product (GNP) per capita, and GNP growth rate. Educational characteristics considered, include the percentage of the population that is illiterate, public education expenditures, and rates of return to various levels of education. Comparative unemployment data examined are time spent waiting for employment, a profile of unemployed graduates (by sex and area of residence), guardians' education and income, reasons for unemployment (such as inadequate training, financial support, career information, and placement services), and a lack of self-employment opportunities. Suggested measures for reducing unemployment include better interaction between employers and educational institutions, improved career and educational counseling, improved placement services, and promotion of self-employment opportunities (from ERIC database)