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15 résultat(s) trouvé(s)
  1. In search of the triple helix: academia-industry-government interaction in China, Poland, and the Republic of Korea

    Martin, Michaela
  2. Patterns of development and use of codes of conduct for teachers in 24 countries

    Poisson, Muriel
  3. Formula funding of schools, decentralization & corruption: a comparative analysis

    Levacic, Rosalind; Downes, Peter; Caldwell, Brian J.; Gurr, David; Spinks, Jim M.; Herczynski, Jan; Luce, Maria Beatriz; Farenzena, Nalú
  4. Managing university-industry relations: a study of institutional practices from 12 different countries

    Martin, Michaela
  5. Managing vocational education and training in Central and Eastern European countries: report of a programme on the training of researchers in the management of vocational education and training

    Caillods, Françoise; Atchoarena, David; Bertrand, Olivier
  6. Higher education and employment: an international comparative analysis

    Sanyal, Bikas C.
  7. Révolution scientifique et technique et réformes éducatives dans les pays socialistes d'Europe

    Topentcharov, Vladimir
  8. Education and employment

    Caillods, Françoise; Sanyal, Bikas C.; Gómez, Victor Manuel; Jozefowicz, Adam
  9. Analysing urban-rural disparities in education in Poland: methodological lessons

    Kozakiewicz, Mikolaj
  10. Education and work in Poland

    Kluczynski, Jan; Sanyal, Bikas C.
  11. Forecasting skilled-manpower needs: the experience of eleven countries

    Youdi, R. Vesituluta; Hinchliffe, Keith
  12. Emploi des diplômés et politique d'admission dans l'enseignement supérieur: version résumée de quatre études de cas (Soudan, Zambie, Tanzanie, Pologne)

    Yaici, Lahcène