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183 résultat(s) trouvé(s)
  1. Education in a period of change and adjustment: some international perspectives

    Sanyal, Bikas C.
  2. Management of budgetary deficits in higher education institutions: current international experience and practice

    Kitaev, Igor V.
  3. Private tuition in Mauritius: the mad race for a place in a 'five-star' secondary school

    Foondun, A. Raffick
  4. Private finance and management of education in developing countries: major policy and research issues

    James, Estelle
  5. Student loans in higher education. 2. Asia: report of an IIEP educational forum

    Woodhall, Maureen
  6. Student loans in higher education. 3. English-speaking Africa: report of an IIEP educational forum

    Woodhall, Maureen
  7. The Financing of education in India

    Varghese, N.V.; Tilak, Jandhyala B.G.
  8. Education, employment and human resource development: report of an intensive training course, Bangkok, Thailand, 12-26 June 1990

    Sanyal, Bikas C.; Caillods, Françoise; Varghese, N.V.
  9. Evolution du financement de l'éducation dans les pays en développement: quelques réflexions de synthèse à partir de dix études de cas

    Orivel, François; Orivel, Estelle; Marcellus, Ulrick Roland; Ried, Jacques Georges; Prawda, Juan; Dougna, K.; Xavier, A.C.; Amaral Sobrinho, José; Kelly, Michael J.
  10. Révolution scientifique et technique et réformes éducatives dans les pays socialistes d'Europe

    Topentcharov, Vladimir
  11. Funding mechanism of thrust areas of higher education in India

    Sanyal, Bikas C.
  12. Student loans in higher education. 1. Western Europe and the USA: report of an IIEP educational forum

    Woodhall, Maureen